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作者: 點擊:460 發布時間:2023-09-25

Polytetrafluoroethylene sheets are mainly used as electrical insulation materials and lining materials for corrosive media, support sliders, and lubrication materials. They are widely used as anti-corrosion lining materials for chemical, pharmaceutical, dye, reactor, and large pipelines; Mechanical, architectural, traffic bridge sliders, guide rails; Printing and dyeing, light industry, textile and other industries.

Molded plates are made of polytetrafluoroethylene resin by molding at room temperature, followed by sintering, cooling, and manufacturing. The turning plate is made of polytetrafluoroethylene resin by pressing the blank, sintering, and rotary cutting. Its product has a wide range of uses and good comprehensive performance, with characteristics such as high and low temperature resistance (-192 ℃ -260 ℃), corrosion resistance (strong acid, strong alkali, hydrated water, etc.), climate resistance, high insulation, high lubrication, non adhesion, and non-toxic. The corrosion resistance of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) can resist aqua regia and all organic solvents; It has a good aging life in plastic; Low friction coefficient of plastic (0.04); Solid materials have small to medium surface tension, so they do not adhere to any substance; Non toxic, good C-grade insulation.

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